When registering your cat to the show you agree to TFA "Alpha Catum" rules and give consent to use your personal data n given in the registration and share them wiht World Cat Federation and Animal Service Ltd (TopCat).
Rules of TFA "Alpha Catum" shows:
1. Only the cats that are registered in the cataloque can take part in the show and be in the cages during the show.
2. Only those cats can participate in the show that are microchiped (the number of the chip has to correspond the number in the veterinary pet passport and in the entry form) and have passed the veterinary control and received the permission to enter the show. Only clean, parasite-free, with trimmed claws, having a valid vaccination against rabies cats can receive the permission to enter the show. Cats from non EU countries, must have a veterinary certificate.
3. Declawed, pregnant and lactating cats can not participate in the show. White cats can participate only with veterinary ears test certificate that they are not deaf.
4. Only neutered domestic cats can participate in the show.
5. Only those cats can participate in the show, which entry-form was approved by TFA "Alpha Catum" administration. TFA "Alpha Catum" reserve the right to reject any entry-form.
6. The show organizers can stop the registration to the show at any stage, making a statement in the web site and in the on-line entry form.
7. The show organizers can exclude the participant from the list who did not pay the fees or did not send the warranty letter (non EU residents) on time.
8. If the participant canceled his cat registration at least 14 days prior to the start of the exhibition, 50% of the registration fee may be refunded. If the participant cancels his cat registration less than 14 days before the start of the exhibition, the registration fee is NOT REFUND. The only exception is possible in case of the death of the cat, after presenting the veterinary sertificate.
9.The data of registered cats is changed to the end of registration for FREE. After the registration is closed, the replacement of the cat's data costs EUR 10. Replacing a cat with a new cat is not a cat's correction, which is a new cat registration that cost 70€ (additional list).
10. All show participants have to register the cats on both days of the show.
11. If the participant notices any discrepancies in the show catalogue, he has to inform the show secretary office before the judging starts.
12. In case not enough cats are registered in one category, it may be merged with another category according to WCF rules.
13. Show organizers have the right to change the judges of the exhibition and the exhibition schedule without prior notice.
14. Show organizing office is assigning the cats to the judges by its sole discretion and is not obliged to consider the requests of the participants.
15. During the show, the cat cages has to be uncovered from the visitors.
16. The participant himself presents the cat to the judge and during the Best in Show. During the WCF rings and Special Shows stewards present the cats to the judge and public.
17. The participants has to monitor the queue of the judging. If a cat is not presented to the judging on time, the judge has the right to dismiss the cat from the expertise.
18. Aggressive cats – cats that are not being able to be examined by the judge – can be disqualified by the judge‘s decision.
19. The participants, whose cats did not pass the veterinary examination, or were expelled from the show by any other reason, can not apply for the fee refund.
20. The show participants have to respect the judges' verdicts and can not dispute them.
21. Selling of the cats' accessories can take place only with the TFA "Alpha Catum‘s" permission.
22. The show participants agree to be pictured. TFA "Alpha Catum" can publish the pictures in the Alpha Catum website, facebook and ect.
23. During the exhibition, the sale of animals is PROHIBITED, all animals can only be advertised.
24. By registering the cats entry form, the participant confirms that has read the show rules and commits to obey them. If the participant disobeys the rules, the show organizers reserves the right not to issue the cat's diplomas.